Jumaat, 12 November 2010

"Important etiquettes for women in order to visit a mosque"

Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radiyallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “The most beloved salat to Allah of a woman is the one that she performs in the darkest spot of her home”

(Majma’ Al-Zawaaid- Hafidh Haythami has classified all the narrators as authentic, vol 2, pg 35, Maktaba Al-Qudsi

As mentioned earlier, it is better for a woman to offer Salaat at home. It is, however, permissible to offer Salaat in a mosque if the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) Ask permission from the husband:

Ibn Umar [Radhiallaahu anhu] narrated that Prophet Muhammad [Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam] said, ‘Don’t prevent your women to visit a mosque if they ask you for your permission.’ (Muslim 4:442)

Similarly, Salaam ibn Abdullah [Radhiallaahu anhu] narrated that Prophet Muhammad [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said,

‘When your wife asks for permission to visit a mosque, do not refuse her.’ (Bukhari 10:873)

Ibn Umar [Radhiallahu anhu] narrated that Prophet Muhammad [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said,

"Don’t prevent your women to visit a mosque although their homes are better for them."

(Sunan Abu Dawud 2:267)

b) Don’t Put on Perfume and Make-up:

Zaynab, wife of Abdullah, narrated that Prophet Muhammad [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said,

‘Don’t put on perfume when you visit a mosque.’ (Muslim 4:443)

It is therefore, not permissible for a woman to visit a mosque when she has put on perfume. The scholars say that anything which draws attention of men to women is not allowed. For example, the outer dress of women should not be showy to make her conspicuous. She should not wear ornaments which produce sound. She should try her best not to mix with men and follow a route which eliminates interaction with other sex.

A conscientious Muslim woman should ponder over what Aaisha [Radhiallaahu anha] said,

‘If Prophet Muhammad [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] had seen our time, he would have totally prevented women to visit mosques just like women of children of Israelites were prevented.’ (Muslim 4:442-443; Bukhari 10:869-873; Abu Dawud 2:867)

Note that Aaisha [Radhiallaahu anha] said about that period of human history which was considered the Golden-period of Islam.

At present time, the European culture has totally destroyed the Muslim community. How much advisable it is for a Muslim woman to go out of her home?

As a summary, it is better for a woman to offer Salaat at home than joining a congregational Salaat in a mosque. However, she is allowed to go to a mosque if she fulfils the conditions described above. We noted that proper dress and other conditions are necessary for offering Salaat by a woman in a mosque. Hence, it is even more important for a Muslim woman to observe proper dress and fulfil above conditions when she wants to go out for shopping, education, visitation or a job.